New Release -- The Kingdom of Heaven (TnT Junction series) by Roger Fawcett
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If your youth group is in the 14-18 age bracket, they are at a junction - a vital point in their lives where they need help to study the Bible in a way that is challenging and mind stretching.
With the TnT Junction group studies material you can be confident that you have lessons that are trustworthy, comprehensible and biblical. Each lesson plan, in addition to a lesson aim, contains study notes to enable the leader to understand the Bible passage. There is also a slot to encourage the young people to share experiences and learn from each other. Along with suggestions for prayer, praise and how to focus attention on the studies, there are optional reproducible worksheets to help the young people engage with the passage.
Additional advice and tips are also provided to youth leaders to help make leading a youth Bible study memorable and effective.
Book 5 in the Junction series is, The Kingdom of Heaven: Six Youth Group Studies from Matthew. By going through the Gospel of Matthew in this study, your youth group will be introduced to Jesus, God's promised King. They will discover what the Kingdom of God will be like and how we are to prepare for the reality of its coming.
For more information and to view a sample lesson, visit the product detail page at
You can order this book from any of the following online retailers: TnT Ministries,,,, or
About the Author:
Roger Fawcett has been involved in full-time youth ministry for seventeen years. Before that he was a teacher. He is currently a youth minister in Cheshire. His hobbies include outdoor pursuits, music and playing board games. One of his greatest pleasures is inflicting these hobbies on his wonderful, but long-suffering family. His desire is to see the Bible taught well to young people so that God can help them become life-long disciples.
About TnT Ministries:
TnT Ministries desires to encourage and equip Christians to teach the Bible faithfully, effectively and imaginatively to children and young people. They have been providing excellent and dynamic teaching materials, which are geared for the whole wide age range from 2-14+ since 1993. Learn more about TnT Ministries at their website:
Other books in the Tnt Junction series: