New Release -- His Blood Works: The Meaning of the Word "Blood" in Scripture by Alan Stibbs
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Did you know that the blood of Christ is mentioned more times in the New Testament than the cross or even the death of Christ? But what is the significance of this fact? What does it tell us about the sacrifice of Christ and how does this emphasis on his blood help us in understanding the finished work of Christ on the cross? Alan Stibbs dispels any misconceptions that people may have about Jesus' blood and its work by examining the Old and New Testaments. The author gives us the Biblical understanding of the meaning of the blood which equates to the purposeful and effective laying down of life. We will find that indeed His Blood Works!
First published in 1962, Alan Stibbs' essay on "the blood" has become a classic. In a day when the substitutionary atonement of Christ is attacked on all sides, Stibbs' lucid exposition of the Bible's teaching on Christ's blood is more needed than ever.
For more information about the book, and to read Michael Ovey's forward, visit the books product detail page at You can pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers:, Westminster Bookstore, Cumberland Valley Books, Monergism Books,, and
About the Author:
Alan Stibb's (1901-1971) preaching and teaching led him to the staff of Oak Hill Theological College in London, where he served as vice principal. He became known as a Bible expositor and preacher in demand for evangelical conferences and conventions. He was also an author, and editor of several books including The New Bible Commentary.
Praise for His Blood Works:
"Here is a biblical and reasoned defense of the teaching on the blood of Christ.... You will want to read this little booklet and refresh your spirit by drinking from this rich supply of living water. It is a miniature treasure." Liam Goligher ~ Senior Pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"On the one hand, Stibbs' essay is a theological jewel, with its close and lucid reading of biblical material. On the other hand, it is a pastoral masterpiece, because the reader loves Christ more at the end of it. I think that would greatly please Alan Stibbs, and it is why this 'old' essay is so worth reading." Michael Ovey ~ Principal, Oak Hill Theological College, London
"Solid gold! Alan Stibbs' brilliant study on 'the meaning of the word blood in Scripture' is one of those classics that has directly or indirectly influenced generations of Bible readers.... You will deepen your appreciation of God's grace and your salvation, both focused in the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ." John Woodhouse ~ Principal of Moore College, Australia
"The Meaning of the Word "Blood" in Scripture' was and is a very necessary corrective after Westcott had deceived the whole world." Dick Lucas ~ Formerly Rector of St Helens Bishopsgate, London