Author Profile: Robert L. Reymond
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Robert L. Reymond is a Christian theologian of the Protestant Reformed tradition. He is best known for his New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (1998). Reymond holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Bob Jones University and did post-doctoral studies at Fuller Seminary, New York University, Union Seminary (New York), Tyndale House, Cambridge, and Rutherford House, Edinburgh. Reymond taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and Knox Theological Seminary (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida), and is now Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology at Knox Theological Seminary.
Reymond is also an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He has served on the Presbyterian Church in America’s General Assembly’s Theological Examining Committee, and recently retired from the pastorate of Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church, a young congregation in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Reymond has lectured in various countries in Europe and the East, and is the author of numerous articles in theological journals and various reference works, as well as more than ten books.
Find a list of available resources by Dr. Reymond at The Gospel Coalition. Also, check out his Sermon Audio page for .mp3s of his sermons and lectures. has a list of several of his books.
Below is a selection of Robert Reymond's books available through Christian Focus, for a full listing, click here.
Selected Christian Focus Titles from Robert Reymond:

Note: The John Calvin Blog Tour, featuring Reymond's book on Calvin above, is postponed to the first week of August.