Books Every Pastor Should Read: Roots by Alec Motyer
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In the book area at this year's Gospel Coalition conference, there was a table for books every pastor should read. We were delighted to see Roots: Let the Old Testament Speak included amongst the many excellent titles on display.
About the book:
"The title, Old Testament, creates difficulties of its own. If it is "Old" and we are people of the "New", surely we may properly let it fade away into history? Besides, it seems very unlike the New Testament, even contradictory: all those wars when Jesus is the Prince of peace; all those commandments to obey when we are not under law but under grace. And can the God of the Old Testament be a God of love like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?"
These are the questions that Alec Motyer, a life long lover of the Old Testament, seeks to answer starting with the conviction that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scripture. This is for the Christian who wants to know what the Old Testament has to do with the New Testament and why the Christian should read it. Roots: Let the Old Testament Speak offers a comprehensive survey of the Old Testament organized around its authors and major characters, the theme of this book is that the Holy Spirit chose, fashioned and equipped the biblical authors to convey distinctive truths through each of them.
About the Author:
Dr Alec Motyer is a well-known Bible expositor and from an early age has had a love for studying God’s Word. He was formerly principal of Trinity College, Bristol.
For ordering information, and more information about this book, view the book detail page at You can read a sample from Roots on Scribd.
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