With Jungle Doctor's Fables, Dr. White aimed his tales at younger children. Ideal for ages 5 to 11, the books are animal tales told around the campfire, usually, by Daudi ("David") Mbogoni, White's friend and assistant from his time in Tanzania. The stories have a lesson to teach, and a "What's Inside the Fable?" section follows each story. A Bible passage is also given which makes these stories suitable for family devotions.
The tales themselves are lively and fun. They draw the attention and interest of young children and allow the fable's message to sink home. Consider the blurb from the back cover of the first Jungle Doctor's Fable book:
There was once a monkey who didn't believe in crocodiles -- but that didn't make any difference when he met one in the middle of the night on the banks of the Great River. There was another monkey who tried to pull himself out of a bog by his whiskers; all that was left of him was two small bubbles on top of the mud. And as for the snake who thought he could staal the egg of Kuku the hen without being found out -- well, he had been warned!
The new Christian Focus editions of this series come in a kid-friendly, convenient size, with an attractive, bright and colorful cover. The original black-and-white illustrations by Graham Wade are included and adorn page after page. Each book in the series has between 8 and 12 short chapters, with a glossary at the end. Readers ages 7-11 should be able to read the books independently, but younger children will enjoy having these stories read to them.
Here are the titles that make up this six book series. Click on the picture of each title to see the Christian Focus product page with additional info and an opportunity to purchase the book.