Released in the UK September 2001
Released in the US November 2001


Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781845504366 • £7.99 $12.99

BISAC – REL012080

Praying the Saviour’s Way

Let Jesus’ Prayer Reshape Your Prayer Life

Derek W. H. Thomas

Even in today’s post Christian society the Lord’s Prayer remains widely known. Its beauty is that it can be understood by a child, but has tremendously profound lessons for those of us who investigate it more deeply. However, our tendency is to allow familiarity to breed complacency. We can repeat the Lord’s Prayer verbatim, but do we ponder its message and follow its example?

Derek W. H. Thomas
Derek W. H. Thomas, originally from Wales, is the Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary. He is also a Teaching Fellow with Ligonier Ministries. He previously served as the Minister of Teaching at First Presbyterian Church and the Chairman of the Theology Department at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.

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