Union with Christ is the jewel in the crown of salvation. It has many and varied facets. Indeed, the reality denoted by the words 'in Christ' is unfathomable. But the importance of this great truth is such that Christians need to seek to plumb its unsearchable depths. The present volume seeks to show how union with Christ is expounded by two New Testament writers, how it was understood by two great theologians, and how it relates to two key areas of biblical teaching, before a final chapter plots the scriptural development and structure of this great truth and its practical relevance for us today. Contributors include: Stephen Clark, Cornelis Bennema, Tim Ward, Robert Letham, John Fesko, David McKay and Paul Wells.
Our Reformation and Puritan forefathers understood that salvation by Christ involves union with Christ: an on-going, vital, loving relationship, begun in time, lasting through eternity. This important fact, so neglected today, was the theme of the Affinity Theological Study Conference held in Nottingham in 2015, and six out of the seven Chapters of this book are lectures given at that Conference. A final Chapter, summarising the whole, has been added by Editor Stephen Clark. This is a useful book, offering many gens for those willing to work a little for them.
British Church Newspaper
Stephen Clark is the Pastor of Freeschool Court Evangelical Church, Bridgend, Wales and chairman of the Affinity Theological Study Conference.
Matthew Evans is the assistant to the director at Affinity, a partnership bringing together churches from across the UK
Matthew Evans is the assistant to the director at Affinity, a partnership bringing together churches from across the UK
ISBN 9781781917701
Authors Stephen Clark, Matthew Evans and Matthew Evans
Imprint Mentor
Category Theology
Page Count 288
Width 216 mm
Height 138 mm
Weight 0.36 kg
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