Released in the UK September 2014
Released in the US November 2014


Trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781781915066 • £7.99 $11.99

BISAC – REL067030

Why Do I Suffer?

Suffering & the Sovereignty of God

John Currid

Why does God allow suffering? It’s a question that, in one form or another rears its head time and again. Whether it comes from someone who has just lost a loved one, been diagnosed with an incurable illness or even just surveyed the plight of the poor in the third world. A few days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 the question that was being asked around the world was – Where was God in this? John Currid brings Biblical teaching to bear. God does work in suffering, he is not a worried observer unwilling or unable to intervene, rather he has a purpose at work and is in control.

John Currid
John Currid is Chancellor’s Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.

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