Released in the UK July 2010
Released in the US September 2010


Paperback | 64 Pages
Read to me: 4-5
Read Myself: 6-7
9781845505684 • £3.99 $6.99

BISAC – JNF049040

Jesus Christ the Best King of All

Catherine MacKenzie

Have you played hide and seek, or hunt the thimble? Games where you have to search for something that has been hidden can be great fun! In the story of the birth of Jesus some people are trying to find someone very special - the King of Kings. Do they find him in a palace? Perhaps they have to go to a big castle? No - the one who is born to be the King of kings spends the first hours of his life asleep in a manger. The shepherds find him and worship him. The wise men find him and bring gifts. Simeon and Anna find him in the temple and they know that this little baby has been born to be King - their King and their Saviour.

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie comes from Scotland and has written several biographies for young teens in the Trailblazers series as well as other titles for younger children. She is Editor for Christian Focus’ children’s imprint, CF4Kids.

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