Released in the UK May 2010
Released in the US July 2010


Trade paperback | 192 Pages
Read to me: 12
Read Myself: 12-14
9781845505622 • £5.99 $8.99

BISAC – YAF051030

The Merciful Eye

Stories from the Middle Ages

Christine Farenhorst

From the depths of history and the dark days of the middle ages we read stories of danger and intrigue but ultimately of faith, hope and love. Jacques hoards his gold but has yet to find real treasure. The young Delia is in danger of being disgraced and unloved... but there is the corner of a garment ready to cover any shame and an eternal heart that beats for her.

Christine Farenhorst
Christine Farenhorst began telling stories before she could write. She used to draw pictures on her pillow before she went to sleep at night, relating the stories she drew to her teddy bear. A regular columnist for Reformed Perspective as well as a contributing writer for Christian Renewal, her first commitment is to be a godly Christian wife and mother. Her second is to use the talents that God has given her to the best of her ability and to His glory.

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