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Slogging Along in the Paths of RighteousnessPsalms 13–24

Slogging Along in the Paths of Righteousness

Psalms 13–24

Dale Ralph Davis
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Is the hard path a dead end?

Dale Ralph Davis plunges right into the middle of King David’s hard times with a study that resounds with relevance for our own lives today. King David’s faith brought him through the muddy parts of life. Will we find that depression is our final response to a hard path? Or will faith carry us beyond?


These Psalms commend a scripture filled life bursting with encouragement.


In this second instalment of his essential guide to the Psalms, trusted theologian Dale Ralph Davis leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 13–24 with clear application for daily life. Using his own translation, Davis sets out a verse–by–verse exposition and crystallises the Psalmist’s message with cross–references to situate the passages in broader biblical context. With illustrations from history and personal experience, the truth comes alive.


An indispensable accompaniment to the Psalms. Suitable for use as a personal study guide or as a reference and teaching guide for facilitating small group study.


Read the rest of the series:

  • The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1–12
  • In the Presence of my Enemies: Psalms 25–37
  • My Exceeding Joy: Psalms 38–51


Dale Ralph Davis

About Dale Ralph Davis

Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.


  • Author: Dale Ralph Davis
  • Release Date: January 2016
  • Pages: 192
  • Format: Trade paperback
  • Dimensions: 198 x 130
  • ISBN: 9781781913048
  • Imprint: Christian Focus
  • Category: Bible Study > Biblical Studies > Old Testament


Dale Ralph Davis is among the finest expositors of the Old Testament alive today. His style is unique and his content infectious. A pastor at heart, his insights are always governed by an absolute loyalty to the text, a belief that the Bible was written for today as much as yesterday, and a desire to encourage his readers to fall in love with Scripture and to trust it. These expositions of Psalms 13-24 tantalizingly suggest there may be further volumes given the enormous success of the first set (Ps. 1-12). What a treasure that would be! In the meantime, these expositions are pure gold.

Derek W. H. Thomas, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries; Retired Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church (ARP), Columbia, South Carolina

Thank you Dr. Davis, for "yielding to the temptation" to continue what you began with Psalm 1-12.

Albert N. Martin, Served as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Montville, New Jersey for over forty years and taught Pastoral Theology at the Trinity Ministerial Academy
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