"This little book is written for ordinary ministers who preach regularly to ordinary people in ordinary places... Most of us preach in gatherings that are smaller than we would wish and tougher than we might have hoped when we entered pastoral ministry... There is a voice on our shoulders who whispers as we prepare, and then as we preach, 'Is it really worth it?" From The Introduction
Christopher Ash tell us that it is worth it. More than that, he sets out a charter for preaching that draws from the very roots of the Old Testament - showing us that nothing in the world is more worthwhile - for preaching is God's strategy to rebuild a broken world.

About Christopher Ash
Christopher Ash is Writer–in–Residence at Tyndale House and Ministry Trainer at St. Andrew the Great church in Cambridge. From 2004 to 2015 he was Director of the Proclamation Trust Cornhill Training Course. He splits his time between preaching, speaking and writing, and has written several books, including ‘Bible Delight: Psalm 119 for the Bible teacher and Bible hearer’ and ‘Teaching Psalms Vol. 1’.